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多种NIOSH方法(1000 - 8306)

公司名称: 广州菲罗门科学仪器有限公司
参考价格: 0
发布时间: 2010-11-29
Method Description Phenomenex Method Description Phenomenex
1000 Allyl chloride ZB-624 2503 Mevinphos ZB-5
1001 Methyl chloride ZB-624 2504 Tetraethyl pyrophosphate ZB-1
1002 Chloroprene ZB-624 2505 Furfuryl alcohol ZB-WAXPLUS
1003 Halogenated hydrocarbons ZB-624 2506 Acetone cyanohydrin ZB-1
1004 Sym-Dichloroethyl ether ZB-624 2507 Nitroglycerine and ethylene glycol dinitrate ZB-WAX
1005 Methylene chloride ZB-624 2508 Isophorone ZB-1
1006 Trichlorofluoromethane ZB-624 2510 1-Octanethiol ZB-5
1007 Vinyl chloride ZB-624 2513 Ethylene chlorohydrin ZB-WAXPLUS
1008 Ethylene dibromide ZB-624 2515 Diazomethane ZB-1
1009 Vinyl bromide ZB-624 2516 Dicholorfluoromethane ZB-624
1010 Epichlorohydrin ZB-WAXPLUS 2517 Pentachloroethane ZB-5
1011 Ethyl bromide ZB-624 2518 Hexachloro-1,3-cyclopentadiene ZB-624
1012 Dibromodifluoromethane ZB-624 2519 Ethyl chloride ZB-624
1013 1,2-Dichloropropane ZB-624 2520 Methyl bromide ZB-624
1014 Methyl iodide ZB-624 2521 Methylcyclohexanone ZB-WAXPLUS
1015 Vinylidine chloride ZB-624 2522 Nitrosamines ZB-5
1016 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro-2, ZB-624 2523 1,3-Cyclopentadiene ZB-1
2 difluoroethane and 1,1,2, 2524 Dimethylsulfate ZB-WAXPLUS
2-tetrachloro-1, 2-difluoroethane 2525 1-Butanethiol ZB-1
1017 Bromotrifluoromethane ZB-624 2526 Nitroethane ZB-WAXPLUS
1018 Dichlorodifluoromethane and ZB-624 2527 Nitromethane ZB-5
1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 2528 2-Nitropropane ZB-5
1019 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ZB-624 2529 Furfural ZB-WAXPLUS
1020 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2, ZB-624 2530 Biphenyl ZB-5
2-trifluoroethane ZB-624 2533 Tetraethyl lead ZB-1
1022 Trichloroethylene ZB-624 2534 Tetramethyl lead ZB-1
1300 Ketones 1 ZB-WAXPLUS 2537 Methylmethacrylate ZB-WAXPLUS
1301 Ketones 2 ZB-WAXPLUS 3700 Benzene ZB-WAXPLUS
1400 Alcohols 1 ZB-WAXPLUS 3702 Ethylene oxide ZB-WAXPLUS
1401 Alcohols 2 ZB-WAXPLUS 4000 Toluene ZB-5
1402 Alcohols 3 ZB-WAXPLUS 5012 EPN, malathion, parathion ZB-5
1403 Alcohols 4 ZB-WAXPLUS 5017 Dibutyl phosphate ZB-5
1450 Esters 1 ZB-WAXPLUS 5019 Azelaic acid ZB-1
1500 Hydrocarbons BP 36-126 0C ZB-1 5020 Dibutylphthalate and ZB-5
1501 Hydrocarbons, aromatic ZB-5   Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate  
1550 Naphthas ZB-1 5021 o-Terphenyl ZB-1
1551 Turpentine ZB-1 5025 Chlorinated diphenyl ether ZB-5
1602 Dioxane ZB-WAXPLUS 5029 4,4-Dimethylenedianiline ZB-5
1604 Acrylonitrile ZB-WAXPLUS 5500 Ethylene glycol ZB-WAXPLUS
1606 Acetonitrile ZB-WAXPLUS 5502 Aldrin and lindane ZB-5
1608 Glycidol ZB-WAXPLUS 5503 Polychlorobiphenyls ZB-5
1609 Tetrahydrofuran ZB-1 5506 Polynuclear aromatic Hydrocarbons ZB-5
1610 Ethyl ether ZB-WAXPLUS 5509 Benzidine and 3,3-dichlorobenzidine ZB-5
1611 Methylal ZB-WAXPLUS 5510 Chlordane ZB-5
1612 Propylene oxide ZB-WAXPLUS 5514 Demeton ZB-5
1613 Pyridine ZB-WAXPLUS 5515 Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons ZB-5
1614 Ethylene oxide ZB-WAXPLUS 5516 2,4-and 2,6-Toluenediamine (isocyanates) ZB-5
1615 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ZB-WAXPLUS 5517 Polychlorobenzenes ZB-1
2000 Methanol ZB-WAXPLUS 5518 Naphthylamines ZB-5
2002 Amines, Aromatic ZB-5 5519 Endrin ZB-5
2003 1,1,2,2-Tetrabromoethane ZB-624 8001 Pentachlorophenol ZB-5
2004 Dimethylacetamide and ZB-WAXPLUS 8002 2-Butanone, ethanol andtoluene in plasma ZB-WAXPLUS
  dimethylformamide   8004 Polychlorobiphenyls in serum ZB-5
2005 Nitrobenzenes ZB-WAXPLUS 8302 MBOC ZB-5
2007 Aminoethanols ZB-1 8303 Pentachlorophenol ZB-5
2010 Amines, aliphatic ZB-WAX 8306 Benzedine ZB-5
2500 2-Butanone ZB-WAXPLUS 8305 Phenol and p-Cresol in urine ZB-5

多种NIOSH方法(1000 - 8306)的详细介绍




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